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Hank von Helvete - R.I.P.

Es zeugt von tragischer Ironie, dass Hank von Hell, seines Zeichens charismatischer Frontmann von TURBONEGRO von 1993 bis 2009, am gestrigen Tage der Veröffentlichung von ME AND THAT MAN - "New Man, New Songs, Same Shit Vol. 2" im Alter von nur 49 Jahren verstorben ist, auf der er gemeinsam mit Nergal von BEHEMOTH und Anders Odden den Song "Black Hearse Cadillac" performte.

Hank von Helvete war wohl ein Mensch, der wie nur wenige den Rock ´N´ Roll verkörperte und der Inbegriff einer Fleisch gewordenen Rampensau mit allen menschlichen Höhen und Abgründen, der begeistern und polarisieren konnte...

R.I.P., Hank!!!

Hier das originale Statement seiner ehemaligen Kollegen von Turbonegro:

It is with immense sadness we received the tragic news that Hans-Erik «Hertis» Dyvik Husby has passed away.
We are thankful for the times, the moments and the magic we shared with Hans-Erik in Turbonegro during the years 1993-2009.
As a charismatic frontman who equally channeled humor and vulnerability, Hans-Erik was crucial for the band’s appeal. He was a warm and big hearted human, a spiritually and intellectually seeking person who loved having a conversation with anyone. We are proud of what we created together as rock brothers in Turbonegro - the music, the characters, our whole universe.
Hank Von Helvete remains an iconic figure in the history of Norwegian rock and popular culture, and also made a mark as a profile in the international rock´n´roll community.
Actor, romantic and entertainer - through his life Hank left no doubt that he was a man for the stage, loving the spotlight and the room’s attention.
Our thoughts and hearts go to his family.
Rest In Peace
